What is milkweed and what does it look like?

Milkweed may be a large perennial herb that takes its name from its milky sap that contains latex, alkaloids and other compounds. Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish botanist (1707-1778), gave the genus the name Of Asclepios, the Greek god of healing, due to the various popular medicinal uses of milkweed plants. Milkweeds provide strong fibers for creating ropes and ropes, and for weaving coarse fabric. it's important to properly identify milkweed, because it features a toxic appearance, dog grass.

Distinctive features
Milkweed is probably best known for its seeds; they're flat, 8 mm long, reddish-brown, and have a silky hair pappus at one end. The seeds are carried in narrow teardrop-shaped pods that are between 12 and 37 cm long. The leaves of this plant provide food for the larvae of the monarch. Monarch butterflies and their caterpillars love milkweed.


in the umbels are purple-pink and are found at the top of the stems and at the underbelly of the upper leaves.


The leaves of milkweed are opposite, wide, 10 to 18 cm long, oval-shaped, covered with fine soft hairs, and that they are well ribbed.


This plant can reach 1.5 meters high.


This edible plant grows in fields, along roadsides and usually in drier areas.

Edible parts

Flower heads are often fried in dough and eaten. Milkweed flower buds appear in early summer and may be harvested for about seven weeks. they appear like immature broccoli heads but have about an equivalent flavor as shoots. These flower buds are wonderful in stir-fry, soups, rice stews, and lots of other dishes. Milkweed pods are delicious during a stew or just served as a boiled vegetable, perhaps with cheese or mixed with other vegetables, but make certain to eat only immature pods. it's said that boiled young shoots, unopened flower buds, flowers and young pods taste nearly as good as asparagus and other cooked green vegetables. the sole thanks to eat milkweed is to eat a young shoot (less than 15 cm). Milkweed may be a large perennial herb that takes its name from its milky sap that contains latex, alkaloids and other compounds. Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish botanist (1707-1778), gave the genus the name Of Asclepios, the Greek god of healing, due to the various popular medicinal uses of milkweed plants. Milkweeds provide strong fibers for creating ropes and ropes, and for weaving coarse fabric. it's important to properly identify milkweed, because it features a toxic appearance, dog grass.


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